HeartMath® Coach

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.
— Joseph Campbell

Most of us have gone through many changes in recent years and many of these changes have challenged our resilience and ability to cope with what life can throw at us. I first discovered HeartMath® a few years back and started to use the techniques in my daily practice. That lead me to enquire, how can I share this knowledge to help others?  So, for me, the next step was to qualify as a certified HeartMath® Coach in order to help others become aware of how important it is to work on building coherence between our heart, brain and emotions. It is through using daily HeartMath® techniques that you can manage depleting and draining emotions.  By topping up and retaining a positive charge in your daily life, you can manage challenging situations in more effective ways.  Think of it like having a fully charged and healthy battery that keeps the motor of your life running smoothly, at its optimum health and wellbeing. 

Did you know that the heart has over 40,000 brain-like cells that basically form a little brain in the heart? These cells learn, think and feel independently from the cells in our brain. This has led to the understanding that the heart has a form of intelligence.

It was common for recipients of heart transplants to take on characteristics of their donors. For example, desiring foods they did not usually eat or expressing emotions they normally did not show. Or even experiencing dreams associated with the memories of the donor. This means that the heart can store our memories independently from our brain and can be tuned and harmonised with the cells in our brain. 

So how can you tap into this deep intuition on demand? One of the best ways to do this is through heart, brain harmonising. This is how your body can experience healing, self-care and love. When we harmonise our heart and our brain, we activate our super abilities such as heightened intuition and we can begin to be self-healing beings.  

HeartMath® techniques help to trigger over 1,300 biochemical positive reactions and anti-aging hormones, powerful immune responses and cardiovascular benefits; essential for a healthy life. Therefore, your intelligent heart is constantly listening to how you are thinking, feeling and your body is functioning and adjusts itself as a result.  

Allowing ourselves to experience more positive emotional states through heart and brain coherence, helps us to be more effective in decision making and reaction times and improves our health and quality of life over time.

Think of the qualities of the heart. It is the Core of your authentic self. The source of emotions such as love, care, compassion and appreciation. It allows for greater discernment and heightened intuition. When resilient, it helps us to overcome obstacles and to forge a deeper connection to yourself and others. Your heart is your home and here you can heal, find your courage and discover the hero within.

This service is only available online. In-person at workshops and retreats.

  • ~ Elaine D, UK

    “I first came across Heart Math when I was looking at working with Elaine- I had no idea what it entailed, but I felt called to give it a try. At the time, I felt really stuck in life, and very disconnected from ‘me’. I found the 4 sessions of heart math coaching not only transformational to the way I was thinking and feeling, but I came away with valuable tools that I still use over a year later. The heart breathing literally holds a special place in my heart and life, and helps me to get to a high vibrational energy with ease. I highly recommend it, and the wonderful Elaine.”

  • ~ Adisa A, Luxembourg

    "Elaine's HeartMath mentoring and coaching sessions were empowering and enlightening. She's such a kind, caring, and warm-hearted soul. As she recommended on her site, I tried to book each week one session. The first one started mid-September. Before the session, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. But I was so inspired to try it out. Today, I am grateful that I did follow this intuitive nudge. During the sessions, I felt like so much weight was lifted from my shoulders. After five weeks, I not only felt better in my body but I even looked better (although this wasn't a goal I'd set). I was stunned to realize how much I have changed in such a short amount of time. She gave me so many tools that helped me manage my emotions. I learned so much about myself and today I am enormously grateful that I have met her. Now, nearly four months later, I have reached all the short-term goals that I have envisioned with her and more. She made me realize how important our inner being is and I can only recommend working with her. I am much more confident in what I am doing. I am also much more decisive. She has helped me recenter and trust my intuition. I am honestly excited to see what my life looks like in one year and I'll book new sessions in the next coming year. Thank you Elaine for offering these mentoring and coaching sessions! You have truly enriched my life.”

  • ~ Mandeep Kaur, UK

    “Having worked with Elaine for a HeartMath course I found it was delivered succinctly and helpfully tailored to my specific needs. I found the sessions invaluable as they greatly helped me understand the science behind HeartMath, how to open my heart and receive intuitive guidance. The course included useful exercises and techniques to deal with draining emotions and develop more positive emotional states. This allowed me to develop my resilience and thrive in challenging situations. Elaine’s intuitive insight, good humour and compassion made the course a pleasure and I have continued to work with her for her fantastic spiritual guidance and inspiration, which without question, has had a transformative impact on my personal growth.”